Warm stitched-effect slippers. With two-tone flasible sole and padded genuine leather footbed.
Warm slippers with original polka dot heart. They have a slight heel.
Warm winter slippers with cute reindeer design in tartan.
Slippers with two-tone soles and warm faux fur trim.
Comfortable one-color slippers new this year. Simple, soft and with a flexible sole.
Warm faux fur winter slippers with buckle. They have a comfortable padded leather insole.
Warm winter slippers with cute reindeer design in tartan.
Fun polka dot slippers with genuine leather footbed and lightweight two-tone sole.
House slippers with original decoration with abstract lines. They have a flexible two-tone sole and a genuine leather insole.
Fun polka dot slippers with genuine leather footbed and lightweight two-tone sole.